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St. Francis' Way from Rimini to La Verna In summary

Recommended period: from April to October

Length of the route: 109.8 km
Total hours of walking: 33h00'
Total height difference uphill: 4704 m.
Total difference in height downhill: 3577 m.
Maximum altitude: Monte Calvano 1254 m.
Minimum altitude: Rimini 5m


 Step  Distance

 Uphill, downhill

 1 Rimini - Villa Verucchio  22,2 km  +415m, -291m  A 5h30' - R 5h30'
 2 Villa Verucchio - San Leo  22,5 km  +909m, -457m  A 6h30' - R 6h00'
 3 San Leo - Sant'Agata Feltria  20,5 km  +840m, -828m   A 6h30' - R 6h00'
 4 Sant'Agata Feltria - Balze di Verghereto   21,9 km  +1282m, -776m  A 7h00' - R 6h45'
 5 Balze di Verghereto - La Verna  22,7 km  +1258m, -1225m  A 7h30' - R 7h00'
 Balze di Verghereto - Pieve Santo Stefano  24,6 km  +634m, -1279m  A 7h30' - R 8h00'
 Pieve Santo Stefano - La Verna  15,1 km  +1180m, -488m  A 5h00' - R 4h30'